What Is The Extra Help Program?

The Part D Extra Help Program is designed to help people with limited resources and income pay Medicare prescription drug program costs, like coinsurance, deductibles, and even premiums.

Documentation You Need for Extra Help Enrollment

Getting into the Extra Help Program involves providing specific documents, which can include:

  • A purple notice that was sent by Medicare explaining that you qualify for Extra Help
  • A green or yellow notice from Medicare that says you are automatically enrolled
  • An orange notice that comes from Medicare explaining that your copayment will change
  • A “Notice of Award” that comes from Social Security
  • An award letter from Social Security that proves you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Your plan is obligated to accept any of these above-mentioned documents as proof that you qualify for Extra Help. If you don’t have or can’t find any of these documents, ask your plan for help.

Have Medicaid?

You can also qualify for Extra Help by providing proof that you have Medicaid coverage. To do this, you can provide:

  • A copy of your Medicaid card
  • A state electronic enrollment file that proves you have Medicaid
  • Copies of any state document proving you have Medicaid
  • Other state documents that proves you have Medicaid

What Does Extra Help Do?

Now that we’ve discussed what you will need to qualify for the Extra Help Program, let’s talk about what it can do for you. It was touched on briefly earlier in the article, but here’s a more in-depth look:

  • The Extra Help Program will lower your prescription drug costs.
  • It will pay for your Part D premium.
  • It will waive your Part D late enrollment penalty (if you have one)
  • It will provide you with a Special Enrollment Period once for every calendar quarter during the first nine months of the year. This Special Enrollment Period will allow you to enroll in Part D or switch Part D plans if necessary.

To confirm whether you qualify for Extra Help in Hawaii, call us at 808-735-0106. We will help you understand Medicare better so that you can enjoy the benefits of your plan without being worried about costs.