Dental, Vision and Hearing

Dental, vision, and hearing insurance are vital to your overall health. Secure the coverage you need through a Medicare Advantage or supplemental policy.

Original Medicare

There are several gaps in your coverage under Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). These include routine dental, vision, hearing, and podiatry care, as well as chiropractic care, acupuncture, and cosmetic procedures. Fortunately, you can readily take care of the first three gaps involving dental, vision, and hearing coverage. You can do so by signing up for a supplemental plan of that individual insurance type or by choosing a Medicare Advantage plan with those added benefits.
Medicare Advantage plans require that you be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B and live within the plan’s service area. If you wish to purchase dental, vision, or hearing coverage along with your standard Part A and Part B care, you can do so by paying an additional premium every month. You then have the convenience of an all-in-one health insurance plan. You can sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan during your initial enrollment period or during the Open Enrollment period each fall.

Dental Insurance

Medicare has very limited dental coverage, which is only to aid other medically necessary procedures.
You are not covered for routine dental care such as cleanings, orthodontics, cavity fillings, tooth extractions, dental plates, implants, or dentures. You can find coverage for these services through a Medicare Advantage or stand-alone dental insurance plan.

Vision Insurance

Medicare Part B only covers procedures that are medically necessary or preventative. If you have cataract surgery, Medicare will cover the surgery and a pair of corrective lenses if you need them afterward. Medicare also covers glaucoma screenings every 12 months for people at high risk for developing glaucoma. Medicare covers eye prostheses with replacements every five years if you need them due to absence or shrinkage of the eye from a birth defect, injury, or removal. You can also find coverage for tests and treatments to diagnose or treat conditions of the eye.
You will have to pay for routine vision care and lenses out of your own pocket unless you purchase supplemental vision coverage.

Hearing Insurance

Medicare covers only some hearing and balance tests for diagnostic purposes.
Medicare does not cover routine hearing exams or hearing aids or their fittings. In order to afford your hearing aids, you will want to purchase hearing insurance through a Medicare Advantage plan or as a separate policy.

Finding Supplemental Insurance

Supplemental insurance policies work just like most all health insurance plans. They provide you coverage that helps to pay for your dental, vision, or hearing covered services. Once you pay the deductible through paying your copayments and coinsurance toward your covered services, your insurance company will begin paying its share.
Contact Proinsurance Hawaii for assistance in finding the dental, vision, or hearing coverage you need. These benefits are important to maintaining your quality of life and wellbeing. Continue to take advantage of your regular preventative services and take care of your health to prolong your happiness. Reach out to our team to make this possible.