Medicare Enrollment

If you are interested in enrolling in Medicare benefits, you must do so during the appropriate time periods. Whether you are enrolling in Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or another Medicare program, enrollment is only possible during set periods that occur throughout the year.
These are the periods wherein you will be able to enroll in Medicare policies:

Initial Enrollment Period

The Initial Enrollment Periods is a seven month enrollment period that begins 3 months before you turn 65, continues through your birth month and extends for the three months following your birth month. During this period, you will be able to enroll in most Medicare programs, including:
If you choose not to enroll in these plans during the Open Enrollment Period, you may be subject to higher premiums when you do decide to enroll. Proinsurance Hawaii is prepared to help you determine the best time for enrollment based on your specific situation.

Fall Open Enrollment

The Fall Open Enrollment period occurs annually from October 15th to December 7th. All changes made to your coverage take effect on January 1st.
During the Fall Open Enrollment Period, you are eligible to do the following:
  • Switch Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Enroll in a Part D prescription drug plan or switch to a new Part D plan
  • Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment (General Enrollment Period)

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan and want to switch to another plan or revert back to an Original Medicare plan, you can do so easily during the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. This enrollment period spans January 1st through March 31st annually. Your coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the month you switch coverage. You can also sign up for a new Original Medicare plan during this period, with benefits starting on July 1st.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Enrollment

If you hope to secure a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) plan, the Medigap Open Enrollment Period is your best option for receiving one of these plans at an affordable rate. During the Medigap Open Enrollment Period, the insurance companies that offer Medigap plans are not able to deny you coverage based on your health status. They are also legally required to provide you with the best pricing available.
It is possible to enroll in a Medigap policy outside of the six-month Medigap Open Enrollment Period that begins as soon as you turn 65 and are enrolled in Original Medicare, but if you enroll outside of this period, you may be subject to underwriting and higher rates.

Medicare Prescription Drug Enrollment

To enroll in a Medicare Prescription Drug (Part D) plan, you must have Part A and Part B coverage and live in the service area of the plan you wish to enroll in. The best time to enroll is during the Initial Enrollment Period. During this period, you can avoid late enrollment penalties and gaps in coverage.
You can also enroll in Part D coverage during the Fall Open Enrollment period.

Special Enrollment Periods

Special Enrollment Periods are any time throughout the year wherein you can enroll outside of a standardized enrollment period. Special Enrollment Periods are only offered under certain circumstances. To determine if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, you should contact an expert.
Proinsurance Hawaii understands the intricate nature of Medicare enrollment. If you are eligible for Medicare coverage, get in touch with us now. We will help guide you through the policy selection and enrollment process.