How Do I Apply for Medicare in Hawaii?

Applying for Medicare in Hawaii is fast, easy, and versatile. Hawaii has fair, inclusive regulations that make it so that no one is discriminated against in their pursuit of a great health insurance plan.

Medicare in Hawaii

There are over 280,000 Medicare policyholders in Hawaii, and over 200,000 enrolled in Medicare Part D. Approximately 20% of Hawaii’s population is enrolled in Medicare.

45% of Hawaiians enrolled in Medicare have Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage takes all the features from other Medicare Parts and neatly packages them into one policy. That’s inpatient, outpatient, and prescription coverage. The number of available Medicare Advantage policies vary by county. A small county may only have six. But a larger county, such as Honolulu County, offers 20 different Medicare Advantage plans for its applicants to choose from.

If you are under 65 in Hawaii, you do not have to worry about Medigap coverage, because the state mandates that all residents, disabled or not disabled, will have the same access to Medigap and have the same premiums. Hawaiian citizens can enroll in a Medigap plan which will reduce their out-of-pocket costs even more, within six months after signing up for Medicare Part B.


In order to get Medicare, you must enroll within a certain time frame. There are different enrollment periods: Initial Enrollment Period (three months before your 65th birthday to three months after), General Enrollment Period (January 1-March 31), and Open Enrollment Period (October 15-December 7).

The Initial Enrollment Period is best because you can get Part A with $0 premiums and not have to face any enrollment penalties. The General Enrollment Period allows you to join Medicare if you haven’t already, and the Open Enrollment Period lets you join a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan, switch Medicare Advantage or drug plans, or drop plans.

Getting extra help

In Hawaii, you can qualify for Medicaid for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled with a monthly income of $783 if single, or $1175 if married. Medicaid provides additional financial assistance to those who have low-income and are considered medically needy.

Applicants also have the option to spend down. This is when you earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but you end up qualifying after subtracting your medical expenses from your income.

Medicare Savings Programs, such as Qualified Medical Beneficiary (QMB), Specified Low Income Beneficiary (SLMB), Qualifying Individual (QI), and Qualifying Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI) can help you with your Part A and B costs. The amounts needed to qualify are different for single people and married individuals.

These are just a couple of ways you can save extra when getting Medicare in Hawaii.

Ready to enroll in a Medicare plan in Hawaii?

At Proinsurance Hawaii, we are proud of our heritage and the work we do for our customers. Our passion is what makes us who we are, and we lend our hand to you so you can join us and get the best Medicare plan possible. That begins when you call us today at 808-735-0106.