Can I Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare?

It’s extremely important that when you’re eligible for Medicare, you find a plan that works best for you and fits your ideal coverage needs. However, we all know that Medicare plans can change each year in their costs and coverage, and a plan that once fits your needs may no longer do so. The good news is that it’s possible to get the coverage you need, and it’s possible to change from a Medicare Advantage plan back to Original Medicare, and vice versa.
The best way to switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare is during the enrollment periods where anyone can disenroll from Medicare Advantage without any issues.

Annual Enrollment Period

It is possible to switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare on October 15 to December 7 of each year. This is known as the Annual Enrollment Period.
During this period, you can switch between different Medicare Advantage plans or disenroll completely from Medicare Advantage. The disenrollment will come into effect on the first day of January. If you want to drop Medicare Advantage in favor of Original Medicare, you can also enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan.
During the first year of a Medicare Advantage plan, there is the opportunity for a risk-free trial period during which you can easily switch to Original Medicare without any penalty. This also applies if you left your Medigap coverage for Medicare Advantage. Also, if your Medicare Advantage plan covers Part D, then you can enroll for standalone Part D coverage during the trial right period without penalty.

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period

This enrollment period spans January 1 through March 31 annually and is also known as the General Enrollment Period. If you are enrolled in Medicare Advantage but want to switch plans, you can do so during this period. Your coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the month you switch coverage.

Special Enrollment Period

There are some special circumstances that may allow you to switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare. If you move out of your Medicare Advantage plan’s service area, then you can switch to Original Medicare without penalty. Even if other Medicare Advantage plans are available at your new location, you can make the switch if your Medicare Advantage plan is not available. This can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.
Special Enrollment Periods are only offered under certain circumstances, like the one mentioned above. To determine if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, you should contact an expert, like Proinsurance Hawaii. We’ll help you identify the best coverage options, allowing you to secure a happy and healthy future.